Friday, March 26, 2010

It's Good to see what looks like Actual Progress!

According to The Huffington Post's Aubrey Sarvis, the long awaited repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy of the U.S. military is looking bright and hopeful.

Now, I do share the same opinion of Mr. Sarvis when it comes to this policy; It needs to be repealed, not just suppressed. The intolerable act of discharging some of our men and women who are serving our country due to the fact that their sexual preference isn't the norm is unjust and, quite frankly, not very helpful. The loss of soldiers due to this outrageous policy contributes to the already high demand of recruits for our military forces.

According to Mr. Sarvis, the opposition to this policy is tremendous and quite powerful, but in order for this policy to get repealed as soon as possible, these people need to push the issue and make it something of the utmost importance. It does seem that its repeal is inevitable, but inevitable doesn't come with a deadline. It has taken quite a while for the government to take notice and it's better late than never, but they should have prevented such discrimination far sooner than they have.

In conclusion, those who chose the lifestyle that is frowned upon by some, are finally getting the justice that they rightfully deserve. Although, there are still those who received the punishment of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy before it was challenged, it is still progress, and progress is good (For the most part).