Friday, April 23, 2010

The Trafficking of Human Beings. Can it be stopped?

I can see why you are concerned and want more government involvement when it comes to this topic. The only problem is, how do you propose the government handle this situation? The people who are involved in these acts are good at what they do and make it difficult for people to recognize that anything is wrong, thus making it difficult for the government to step in.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to see this industry go down in flames and never resurface again. The fact is, it most likely won't happen soon, if ever.

Friday, April 9, 2010

President Obama's Quarterly Performance Review

How well do I think our government is running these days? Well, I have to start with the top, i.e. President Obama. He has been in office over a year now, and like any other candidate made bold campaign promises that helped him get elected. One that I'm sure a lot of people focus on is the heath care reform promise. Well, we have national health care but I don't thin kit is necessarily what we imagined. I need to see the plan in action to render a final decision but I am definitely lukewarm on the fact there is no public option. I think it was a positive step that will help many who had no option for health care but sweeping change for the health care system I can't see happening.

Another promise was to shutdown Guantanamo Bay. I can't say he has failed to do this yet but he sure has taken his time in putting the wheels in motion. I have a feeling like any other job, once you get in the position, things are not as easy as you expected.

One thing I give a low grade for is the large increase in the national deficit. I realize that $&00 billion of the $1.72 trillion increase came from the Bush administration's bank bailout but in one year the debt increased by over three times the previous fiscal year! Part of that money was the $700 billion President Obama gave as the stimulus package. I don't think stimulus packages work. That is where I side more with the Republicans. Let the private sector help stimulate.

Now, what has Pres. Obama done right? Pushing for don't ask, don't tell to be repealed is a positive. He needs to carry through but all signs look that he can meet his objective. Foreign policy overall is above average. I still believe he will pull back on the troops but I think it was unrealistic to believe this could be done as quickly as everyone wants.

All in all, I think you have to let a first term president get through the first 2-2.5 years before you can pass real judgment. The first year is a learning process no matter who you are. I still believe I made the correct choice on my presidential candidate and that the rest of my generation is being a bit impatient to see him blossom. Ask me again next year, and see if I am still as optimistic as I am today. My grade for President Obama is a B+.