Friday, May 7, 2010

Are you a citizen? Not anymore!

Recently, a bill was proposed by Senators Joe Lieberman and Scott Brown. This bill, known as the Terrorist Expatriation Act, would, if passed, give the government the right to revoke your citizenship with the United States. Now, this bill isn't saying that the government can go around randomly taking away the citizenship of anybody they want. They can only do so if it has been proven that you provided materials or resources to a foreign terrorist organization -- as designated by the Secretary of State -- or participated in actions against the United States.

I, for one, don't believe that this is a great idea at all. This bill, if passed, will only result in an eventual abuse of this power. This meaning that they could eventually decided to revoke citizenship for other reasons than actions against the United States. Also, how would our Secretary of State define, "actions against the United States?" It's not very smart to put that decision in the hands of a single person. It seems like a noble and smart way of attempting to pick up the trash and possibly prevent future attacks upon our country, but it's just too much power for our government to wield.

All in all, something does need to be done in order to keep our country and its citizens safe, but I believe that that something isn't giving that kind of power to our government. It's back to the drawing board, and this time, let's really think things through.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that this new bill gives the United States way too much power. I don't think taking away the citizenship of someone solves the safety problem the Unites States is encountering. I enjoy reading your blog.
