Friday, February 26, 2010

Health summit exposes irreconcilable differences

Well, it comes to no surprise that a bipartisan agreement wasn't reached at the Health reform summit on Thursday. It seems the largest factor of the disagreement is, what else, money. The people of USA Today believe that affordable health care for everyone, no matter what income level, is the way to go. I can certainly agree with their logic, but, as they said, the bill is complex and controversial. In my opinion, not very many good things come without controversy, so I see this as a necessary step towards the potential passage of this bill. The only problem is the potential disagreement among the democratic party itself, which, just might hinder things a bit. Many Republicans who once supported with the insurance requirement now say that it is an "Unconstitutional intrusion on Americans' personal freedom."

The arguments of those at USA Today are valid, but you still can't ignore the aspect of funding. Also, how do they plan to enforce the mandate, assuming it passes. There are still some questions that need answering before there can be any more progress on what the people of USA today call, "The linchpin toward providing universal coverage and ending the most noxious insurance company practices."

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